Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Sharpshooter

Hey y'all!
This week, my soldier in training went to the rifle range with his platoon. He's always been good with guns before the military and this week he qualified as a sharpshooter! A few weeks ago, they were supposed to do the rappel tower but couldn't because of rain. Because of the delay, they finally did the rappel tower this week.
His time in basic training has gone by much faster than I thought it would. I don't think being in a military relationship makes me more special than any other relationship but I have learned some things over the past several weeks. One is to never take time for granted. Every second together is precious! It's also helped me to realize how important friends are. They've been such an encouragement. While Chris was home, it had sometimes felt like I had cast my friends off to the side. While he's been gone, I treasure them more than ever. They're the people I can talk to and spend time with whenever, whether he's home or away. They're my support system. So here's my tip involving that. Don't ever forget about your friends! They love you and want to support you.

Until next time,
stay strong because you're one day closer!

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